Sunday, October 29, 2006

All I need is everything....

-I've spent the last few minutes looking out my window thinking. Sometimes in those simple moments, things can become clear. Sometimes they stay the same. Today things are the same.

-I spent this morning finally watching Invisible Children and found myself actually in tears. That doesn't happen often, and I hate to share that with you for fear you might think I am looking for some kind of validation. I am not. All I want is to share with you how I was affected.

-Why can't Don and Lori's new CD be out yet? I am so ready for some new Chaffer music.

-Seminary has definitely challenged me this semester. My foundations shaken, my vision foggy, my hope grounded more deeply in Christ than ever before. Why? Where else can I put it?

-I've come to the conclusion that I would rather live in Narnia. That sounds dumb I'm sure. Things there just seem much more black and white, not gray like our real world. Sometimes I'd rather have a Lion invite me to drink with Him in the stream than deal with the pain that is often my struggle to reconcile myself to God. Sometimes I'd rather be told plainly to clean my sword than left to silence. But ease of life would not compare to the joy of humility before a God I can't possibly ever hope to fully understand.

-The weight of the consequence of my sin is getting more and more heavy, and if I could do it all over again I would change so much. I don't understand people who wouldn't change their past. Yes I am thankful to be where I am, but if I could go back and stop myself from carrying such a load now, than I would. I am forgiven, but that doesn't eliminate the earthly consequence of sin.

-Do I really care about all the things I say I do?

-I've said it before: I want a canoe.

-John 3:30 English Standard Version: "He must increase. I must decrease." How do I put that attitude into my life? How do I act on that?

-Cheryl said this week that she makes too many mud pies. I do also. Ask her to explain that one.

-I am loved. Thank God.

peace out,


Jules said...

after reading narnia for the first time last winter, I can honestly say I actually thought I would rather live there, too. I even tried to find a hidden world in one of my closets...just kidding, but I totally feel you, man. What I think it all boils down to is "He must increase. I must decrease." That's where the "secret" is.

Anonymous said... ARE loved. :-)

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your heart.

Cheryl said...

I've said it before and I say it again - Mike and Sandra own a lovely red canoe. I am sure you could borrow it anytime you want since I haven't seen them in it since the birth of their children.

Amy said...

"Do I really care about all the things I say I do?" I wonder this more and more, as I post my thoughts on here. Are they just that? Thoughts? I mean, if I really cared about all I say I do, wouldn't I be DOING more? I know that is at least partially true.....probably A LOT true. My humanness is frustrating. I want to care about so many things that I honestly don't care about. Why would Jesus want to die for a wretch like me?

Herschel said...

julie, i bet if we took marylee, she could find a passage way

dena, thanks friend

cheryl, do you think you could strap said canoe to the top of your jeep and bring it to asbury?

Amy, it may not be comforting to you, but it is to me that i'm not the only one struggling with this.

Katie said...

Hersch you amaze me. I am glad to call you my friend. Thanks for sharing. (when I worked at the antique mall there was a big, old, wooden, wardrobe there and I tried to go to Narnia one day.. it didn't work.. I was heartbroken)
Keep dreaming though my friend :)

Geoff said...

What the deal with the mud pies? Have you been reading C.S. Lewis again?

Geoff said...

Maybe I should have looked at Cheryls blog before I asked a dumb question. C.S. Lewis rocks... though all that talk about witches and stuff might make kids want to be Harry Potter or something.