Thursday, November 30, 2006


What's up?

So today after class, i was walking to supper and talking with a friend and Dr. Stratton came upon us and reminded me that there was a seminar about burnout in ministry starting. As we entered the cafeteria he asked me if I would like to come. Because I couldn't think of any reason not to, I went.

And it was exactly what I needed to hear. Because we had just gotten out of class, we had missed the first twenty minutes that apparently dealt with burn-out. What I heard after walking in was like an answer to a prayer.

See, I've been having trouble making myself available to God. I have let school, homework, and all sorts of other things get in the way. Basically Dr. Headley, the lecturer, gave us a brief message about taking responsoibility for our selves instead of letting our circumstances dictate things. He talked about time management. He talked about prayer. He talked about Bible study.

He talked about how we can't do everything--only God can do that.

I don't want to open up the creation can of worms but I do want to use the creation narrative here. God took his time creating us and the world we live in. Whether you take that to be literal or metaphorical is besides the point. The old cliche' "Rome wasn't built in a day" stands.

God rested not just on the sabbath, but during the work also. He took time to enjoy what He had done. His work in creation doesn't end until after he had rested.

I don't know if any of this sticks to your walls, but it did mine tonight.

peace out,

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

oh my goodness...

So today is just one of those days.

I found myself complaining a lot-virtually taking a dump on Matt's email client. Sorry buddy.

It has been a day and its only 2 in the afternoon, but you know what? I am still better off than most of the world and that makes me sad that I am complaining.

I mean, overslept and missed breakfast, but at least I have breakfast available to miss.

I have to buy new tires. For my very own car, that is paid for.
I am typing this on my own computer.
I have a nice padded chair under my butt.
I have clothes.
I have heat.
I have all that I need.

And I am complaining. What a waste.

Sorry God.

Sorry Matt.

peace out,

Saturday, November 25, 2006

deja vu was one of my favorite games for the original Nintendo...

So I've been here before.

I'm sitting in the recliner in the living room of my parents house and I am looking at Geoff's blog. On the TV is Inside the NFL and I am having deja vu of having deja vu. Weird.

I hope everyone's holiday went well. Mine was really good. I was surprised. Not that it usually isn't good, but it just seemed extra nice this year. I think it had to do with the fact that for the first time in 2 years I feel I am doing something worthwhile with my life.

I also have just been really blessed to get to be home and see my family and friends this week. I miss my friends while I'm at school and I have been trying to soak up all the time with them this week that I can.

Also, Longbrake, I stole your idea. After listening to your sermon I felt compelled to have some sort of Christmas dinner at our church as well for families in our community who we have relationships with that might not have anywhere else to go--so kudos good sir. We'll find out this week if the session approves it.

Anyways yall, its bed time.

peace out,

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

what week is this?

Oh that's right, its Thanksgiving week. In honor of Thanksgiving, I wanted to open up this post for a chance for all of us to say what we are thankful for.

I'll start.

I am thankful for finally being in a place after 2 years where I feel God is leading me.
I am thankful to be with my family after being at school for a while.
I am thankful for my friends whom I have gotten to spend some serious ammounts of time with lately. Its been awesome.

If you want, you may join in on the comments section. I know its alittle cheesy but I think its important to stop and take stock in what we are thankful for.

peace out,

Monday, November 20, 2006


Here's a preview...the rest are at my Flickr site.

peace out,

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

a cup of tea and perhaps some internet?

-So in my thoughfulness, I spoke to a group of high schoolers this past weekend about obedience. Then I read this post(Stirrings) about obedience and was confronted with my own disobedience that I live in most of the time. Hmmm.

-I would really like the internet in my room to work again.

-I would also love to have a nice hot cup of tea. Mmmm's good.

-Sometimes I like to do a personal gut check, ala Psalm 139. Sometimes I feel good about myself after...sometimes not. Today is a not. I've been a little selfish and sarcastic lately. I don't like being sarcastic but I like getting laughs. And I am good at getting laughs by being sarcastic and mean. I am trying to learn how to be funny without being sarcastic--it's hard.

-Anyone wanna buy me a new pair of glasses? My prescription is old and my vision isn't where it should be.

-This semester has been very strange to me. For one, it has FLOWN by faster than any semester of school that I can remember. It also has been more lonely than I had anticipated. I'm not sure if I have been doing a good enough job of making myself open to new relationships here. Part of me likes the alone time, but a bigger part longs for someone to disclose to.

-Apocolypto or ApocolypNO?

Tis all.

peace out,

Monday, November 13, 2006

pictures post delayed....

So due to some technical difficulties, the previously mentioned picture post has been delayed. I am in the library right now due to the fact that the internet in the dorm is out. I am also having trouble getting the pictures from my camera to my computer(ie: I left the cable in IL and I am in KY...doh).

Upon further notice, I leave you with the brilliance that is: The Office(owned by NBC-Universal)

peace out,

Sunday, November 12, 2006

new post coming...

updates with PICTURES coming soon!!!

peace out,

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

it's all downhill from here right?

So yesterday I turned 26 and started down that steep slope to 30. Yikes. I've been thinking and I have some observations about my life so far.

-I'm not married. I can remember being 16 and thinking the angst of life would finally be gone when I graduated college and got married at 21--1 year early because I am so smart. In reality I graduated when I was 23 and a semester late because I changed my major 3 times. Geez.

-I'm still in school. Like I said, I planned on being halfway to retirement by now. It's funny I can't really remember what I thought I would be doing. Maybe a teacher? Or a Paleontologist? Who knows.

-The last couple years I've gone from thinking about nothing except the good things of God and how He wishes us nothing but prosperity and great lives not only here on earth but in heaven to thinking about how messed up we as human beings really are and how maybe God's plans for us arent actually for us so much as for others. I also still can't write a sentence clearly or without it being a run-on. See.

-When I was in high school, my parents were mild annoyances, sometimes major road blocks to my convenience. Now they are friends. Wierd.

-One of the greatest joys of my life as a child was drawing. I remember myself and a friend creating a whole world filled with people we called "Punk-wheels." They were these strange "people" without feet. Instead they had some sort of wheels-hence the name "Punk-WHEELS." Also they were punk rockers. I still like to draw but have realized my skills as a child have not transcended into adulthood.

-I have only been out of the country once. This is actually better than I had planned. I used to think I would never get out of Fairfield Illinois-let alone the U.S. Thank God for that.

-I mentioned Paleontology earlier. When I was a child I probably knew more about dinosaurs than most teachers. I actually corrected the teacher once in 1st grade and she invited me to do presentation for the class about dinosaurs. I actually did an awesome job. I made a kick-butt "dino-rama" and lectured extensively for 5 minutes. It was great and my first academic victory. If only I had that same enthusiasm today. My love for dinosaurs has also been one of my biggest stumbling blocks to my faith as well. I have yet to find a truly satisfying explanation to where dinosaurs fit in with God's story.

So I am sitting here with all these observations and wondering about my life. How did I get here? Where am I going. When I am 30 what will I be thinking?

And I remember Jesus' words in John chapter 1:
" 35The next day John was there again with two of his disciples. 36When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, "Look, the Lamb of God!"
37When the two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus. 38Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, "What do you want?"
They said, "Rabbi" (which means Teacher), "where are you staying?"

39"Come," he replied, "and you will see."
So they went and saw where he was staying, and spent that day with him. It was about the tenth hour.

40Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, was one of the two who heard what John had said and who had followed Jesus. 41The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, "We have found the Messiah" (that is, the Christ). 42And he brought him to Jesus.
Jesus looked at him and said, "You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas" (which, when translated, is Peter[j])."

Jesus didn't tell them anything. He simply invited them to come with Him. That simple verse seems to be the theme to life as a follower of Christ. To simply come along and see with our own eyes and experience and taste and touch. And do. And feel.

And live. With Jesus. With others.

To serve.

To not worry about myself so much and look to the needs of others.

To deny myself for the sake of others.


peace out,


I have discovered that I don't really like theological study. And I am in seminary. Hmmm. What to do?

Maybe theology isn't my cup of tea. Good thing Asbury has more than that.

peace out,

Saturday, November 04, 2006

I love little baby ducks...(finish this song quote-if you can)

Some things that have made me enjoy life more lately....

WUKY-NPR in Lexington

peace out,

Friday, November 03, 2006


Community photo project....jump on in....

Seriously, this is a cool photo project. Check out Longbrake for the details.

Nathan, you and your fancy new camera better have a kick-butt entry.

That is all...retire into your creative worlds...

peace out,

Thursday, November 02, 2006

people surprise you sometimes...

Isn't is funny when you go into a situation with a perception of how someone will be and then you are completely wrong? Let me explain.

I had to go to the Doctor's office today. Now not to lump all doctors together, but my general experience with any doctor I've seen except for one has been with a person who is condescending and sees me as a small annoyance and not a person who mught actualy be sick. Not today though. I went and saw Dr. Demos last friday and while he wasn't a jerk, he wasn't friendly either. So I expected today to be no different. When Dr. Demos came and I described my pain from my kidney stone(yeah..its still there) he smiled and said "Good. That's what I wanted to hear." Exsqueeze me? You want me to be in pain? He then explained that the pain I am feeling, though sucky, is actually a sign that I am going to be better soon. Oh, ok. He actually took me in his private office and showed me some pictures and then we talked about me getting my degree in counseling. He was completly cool.

I guess it just goes to show you that shouldn't pre-judge a situation. I walked away from Dr. Demos' office with a much better attitude and thankful heart. Nice.

peace out,