Wednesday, October 11, 2006


If God said "Dena, I want you to give up your job and sell you car and house and give the money to the people who lost everything in Hurricane Katrina. I want you to pack up and move down there and live in a tent and do nothing but feed people, and love people." Would you do it?

If God said "Geoff, I want you to pack up your wife, leave your new house and new church and be on a plane tomorrow for China to plant a church." Would you do it?

If God said "Amy, say goodbye to your house and family, I'm sending you to the Lakota Sioux Indians." Would you do it?

If God asked us of these things, would we have the faith to do it. Do we really have faith if we don't act on it? Ouch. That is a hard question.

One I am trying to act on.

As the body of Christ, in the world, in America, in our own little group, are we acting on our faith where we should be?

For those I singled out, it was only for dramatic effect. I am not saying God is calling you to do such things. Maybe He is...that's between you and Him.;)

peace out,


Dena G said...

"Ouch" is right, Hersch.

After I finish bandaging my toes, maybe I'll have an answer... ;-)

Matt W said...

Thanks for not singling me out, Hersch. I hirt my foot yesterday and I don't know if I could take it again. ;-)

Herschel said...

funny thing is, I almost did...

Amy said...

Wow. You're really laying it on us today, Hersch. Umm.....I can't say that it would be an automatic, "Yes Lord, I'll go." reaction from me. Unfortunately. I wish I could say it would be. There is a part of me that sees how much freedom and satisfaction would come from actually being called to a place like that and accepting the call. But, selfish me would come up with all of these perfectly good reasons why I should stay in my comfy little house, in this seemingly safe town, close to my loved ones and my church which creates such a safe atmosphere for me. I KNOW that I would struggle with a decision like that. And I also know that I WANT to be a person who doesn't struggle, but that readily accepts what God calls me to do. SO??? God still has work do to in surprise there.

My surroundings in this country, in this town, make it very easy for me to ignore what is happening outside of my "bubble". I do need to be reminded and WAKE UP to things bigger than my comfortable life. And, I know there are many like me.

I'm going to keep thinking about this...

Anonymous said...

good thoughts. hersh glad I found your blog. I really enjoy what I have seen so far

Amy said...

Mark 10:29-30:

29"I tell you the truth," Jesus replied, "no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel 30will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—and with them, persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life.

Anonymous said...

excellent thoughts.

i'd go. give me an adventure and i'll forsake all responsiblity to go after it.

that's healthy, right? that's what i thought.