Monday, October 09, 2006

I saw him today...

While driving around Lexington, looking for a stinkin' job, I happened to see Bull-Horn Guy. He was at the corner of Man O War and Richmond.

I wasn't sure it was really him though.

He had all the makings of Bull-Horn Guy:

1. Sign proclaiming Jesus is coming back....check.
2. Bull horn......check.
3. Flyers.....check.
4. Message of damnation being yelled over afore mentioned bull, no check?


I turned down my radio and listened. I heard something far different.

"Repent. Jesus is coming and He wants to save you. He loves you. He's already forgiven you, just accept him." It went on and on like that. He even smiled and waved at the cars whow ould honk at him. From all appearances he seemed like a calm individual who just wanted to share the HOPE of Jesus with people. Maybe his methodology was a little off, but maybe not. Who's to judge what God calls people to do.

Well, I can feel my grades falling as I write this...back to work.

Books I am reading for class:

"Resident Aliens" by Hauerwas and Willimon
"Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus" by Jeremias
"Current Pyschotherapies" by Corsini and Wedding
"Shaped by The Word" by Mulholland

Books I am reading for personal growth:

"Invitation to a Journey" by Mulholland
"Cost of Discipleship" by Bonhoeffer
"Knowing God" by Packer

Movies I am recommending:
Little Miss Sunshine(rated R)
The Departed(rated R)

Music I am listening to right now:
Illuminate by David Crowder Band
Good Monsters by Jars of Clay
John Davis by John Davis
Illinois by Sufjan Stevens
Nickel Creek by Nickel Creek

DVD's I am recommending:
The Office(US) Seasons 1 & 2
The Motorcycle Diaries(rated R)

peace out,

1 comment:

Geoff said...

"Jerusalem in the time of Jesus" - wow, nothing like some good ole World Behind the Text to put you to sleep. I'm glad I know some of it, though, because really helped me get what the Bible is all about.