Thursday, November 30, 2006


What's up?

So today after class, i was walking to supper and talking with a friend and Dr. Stratton came upon us and reminded me that there was a seminar about burnout in ministry starting. As we entered the cafeteria he asked me if I would like to come. Because I couldn't think of any reason not to, I went.

And it was exactly what I needed to hear. Because we had just gotten out of class, we had missed the first twenty minutes that apparently dealt with burn-out. What I heard after walking in was like an answer to a prayer.

See, I've been having trouble making myself available to God. I have let school, homework, and all sorts of other things get in the way. Basically Dr. Headley, the lecturer, gave us a brief message about taking responsoibility for our selves instead of letting our circumstances dictate things. He talked about time management. He talked about prayer. He talked about Bible study.

He talked about how we can't do everything--only God can do that.

I don't want to open up the creation can of worms but I do want to use the creation narrative here. God took his time creating us and the world we live in. Whether you take that to be literal or metaphorical is besides the point. The old cliche' "Rome wasn't built in a day" stands.

God rested not just on the sabbath, but during the work also. He took time to enjoy what He had done. His work in creation doesn't end until after he had rested.

I don't know if any of this sticks to your walls, but it did mine tonight.

peace out,


dlaz said...

dude, there's so much truth to that. I was glad to be able to read it. God has been teaching me a lot of that between the summer travels and Dean Trune at the missionary convention. Good to be reminded of it tonight.

Anonymous said... is such a drag that we can't realize these things. Glad to see that this was good for you. We need to make sure we can grab some time together before everyone heads out for Christmas