Tuesday, September 05, 2006

procrastination=my desintation....

Is it a bad sign that I am procrastinating on homework on the first day of classes? Yikes.

I mean, I only have to read 200 pages by next Tuesday. No biggie.

In the meantime, I have become enthralled with the work of Howard Shore and James Horner on the scores of Lord of the Rings and Braveheart respectivly. Amazing music.

I like listening to this type of music while I am reading because it doesn't have any of those catchy "lyrics" to distract me. Though sometimes I have caught myself in Minas Tirith or Stirling. Not horrible places to be.

So I said I would update more frequently if I got bored. I should have put bored and/or procrastination.


peace out,


Amy said...

whizzle dizzle is back......(yay)

NFB in NYC said...

right there with ya on the procrastination..

Heather Mae said...

So good to hear from you in so many different ways!