Saturday, December 09, 2006

working through...

So I am working my way through Ecclesiastes right now and it is bringing up some things in my inner-being that I don't like. Things like consumerism, idleness, selfishness, etc.

I am looking at simplifying things around here. I am not really sure how to do that just yet.

I'm working through the idea that in order to be happy in what God has called me to do, one of the spiritual disciplines I need to undertake is that of simplicity--such as getting rid of things I have that I don't need, not buying stuff I don't need, getting the use out of things I already own, etc.

But there has to be more to simplifying things than just dealing with my possessions. Right? Right.

I'm working through it. I'm sure there will be more on this as it continues.

peace out,


Anonymous said...

Dean trune talked about simplifying our thoughts a bit, especially in recording them through journaling. He suggested that writing down one or two of the main lessons of the day could help rather than listing a ton of stuff that we won't reflect on again(simply because our minds can't do that much multitasking)

I find myself babbling a lot of times in my journal, probably because of a lack of control over many of my thoughts, so this has been a very good thing for me.


Herschel said...

thats a cool idea....i always try to start journaling with the best of intentions and it never seems to work except for two ocassions....when i interned with Campus Crusade for Christ in orlando and my last semester in college....

I wonder why except for those two times i Have failed at it

Anonymous said...

I thought you were going to update ;)